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Want to make a mod?


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A lot of players like to modify how the game looks with images such as artist photo's or changing festival/award pictures etc and the game allows you to do this and share your work.


You can also work on a custom database and share with others so if an artist or a few are missing why not add your own and share your work.


So how do you create a Mod


Using the editor you can create a custom database.

Images you zip up in a particular folder name so when unzipped the game will place the files into a certain place. The naming rules are as follows:


Artist Photos


Celebrity Pictures


Festival Pictures


Award Pictures



For Databases you won't need to zip the file just keep the file as a .db file.


Once you have completed your work you can get this uploaded into the Mod database.


How to upload to Mod database


Send your database/photo zip folder in an email to Mods@theroad2success.co.uk or alternatively email that address with a link to download the file.


You should also create a thread in this sub forum detailing your mod for others to comment on or ask questions.

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On 2/23/2022 at 11:19 PM, AngelaMoone said:

Hey Mark. I've been trying to input pictures to artists like Becky G.jpg. It doesn't work. Can you help?

HI, Mark is currently inactive. It will be within the Game Folder Directory then Images > Photos > Photos.  Rename the picture to the artists name in the game. place it in the folder and all done! 

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