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Everything posted by Fairyboi

  1. I was thinking when artists retire or they die, all data is deleted. It would be cool if we had the back catalogue so we can release greatest hits, re-release albums and singles. Look at how much money was made after the death of Michael Jackson or Elvis. Another cool feature could be buying the back catalogue of old artists, like the Beatles.
  2. Do these actually help, besides making money? Do they help reputation?
  3. It happened to everyone. However I closed the game, and when reloaded it was all there
  4. More suggestions Time Between Albums Side projects The problem I have is it seems the game like releasing one album, then another, so my artists release one a year. This may be good at the beginning of a career, but as the career goes no, there is less of a need. IRL we see artists releasing many albums at the beginning, but later releases one ever 2-3 years It would be cool if we could give them a reason for a hiatus. it could also be a side project like doing a film, writing a book etc
  5. I think you can solve the problem of sales by using the levels of difficulty Easy will be hits for 100 years Hard will be the more realistic....
  6. ohh I forgot... When is a single or album considered a flop?
  7. I hope someone could help me answer these questions... 1. on the editor thing, what does potential mean and do? does it work? Releasing Single 1. What is most important... lyrics, melody or commercial? 2. What would you advice be the amount of time between singles? 3. The first single of an album... is it good to release it before the album, same time or after if anyone has advise to these, I would be grateful
  8. Chart life This is where many disagree, some wants realistic performance, where artists are limited for a limited popularity. Others want predictability and hits for decades. Personally, I like limited popularity, that means some artists are no longer relevant. It's funny seeing some 70 or 80 act still getting top 5's, My suggestion is to use the three things already set up Legend.. could be where an artist could have decades of hits and be relevant. This is like Madonna did and Mick Jagger, Superstar... This could be the ones that have a longer chart life than their genre allows. The rest is determined by the genre they have. Teen pop artists usually do not last as long as Rock Genre. Of course, all artists could be allowed a comeback! This may be impossible to script, but it is a suggestion. People can use the editor to decide what their artists are News I have 3 ideas for news. One is that some artists could be given a news challenge. It could be they stole music from someone, or are on drugs, or hit someone. There can general options that an artist gives... like ignore it, use spin, Admit it, deny it. These answers will affect the popularity The second is the ability to hold press conferences. This can be to announce a new single, album, tour, or maybe support some charity or give a political statement. This will effect popularity. The last is general news. it can be overall new if someone broke a record, like the highest selling album, tour or single. It can also tell if someone flopped. Plus the results from news challenges and press conferences
  9. They have just been released. it appears as if version 215 is more unstable than earlier ones. The simming is slower. 2 times it stalled for me, the latest when i could not say no to a soundtrack offer, and the game simply stalled when the soundtrack offer is over.
  10. i have tried an experiment... I made an artist a legend then a superstar then a one hit wonder. then ticked nothing I gave them 100 in everything All this using the editor All cases were similar. The person got some number ones, then top 5's, then they were lucky to get in top 10 I think its fine an artist declines. Although i think its too soon, plus they should be allowed a comeback or two. And wonder if these boxes (legend, superstar etc) work and if so what is the difference
  11. I like most of these ideas....
  12. "I've also noticed as time goes on some of my artists become quite irrelevant and start dropping in popularity after a few years even if their single / album is promoted heavily. " This happens in real life. Even the superstars such as U2 or Madonna become irrelevant However i noticed it happens when an artist is listed as a superstar or legend. I Think these should have hits for decades
  13. I imagine after Christmas, he is back to work plus he has a family.... I would expect updates will mainly be on the weekends now.
  14. If you have hints and tips for other players on: Anything connected with the game on how you can be a success, share them with others How do you get your artists to go to number 1? And still get number ones after a long time` Whats the best way to promote an artist or create hype What is the best way for new artists etc etc This thread is so players can pass their wisdom to others or ask. It is not for bugs
  15. http://www.theroad2success.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=1906.0
  16. Accept the email first and pick what song you want to use in the song database It must be the same genre as requested in the email
  17. Maybe Mark can understand this
  18. Where did the problem occur? What section of the game. Can you replicate it again. If so please provide the steps. Do you have a save? If so you can send it to Bugs@theroad2success.co.uk Did the game generate an errorlog? If so can you send it?
  19. - Cover pictures on albums do not work - found when you mass produce songs for an album, that their melody is lower than if you do them individually. The melodies are higher before you produce the album
  20. I have released songs from EPS A song must be produced to be released. You can produce a song without producing an album, and its quite the same you do... pick mixers, vocal, studio etc
  21. I second and third everything that was said here This game is a masterpiece and it amazes me at there is no whining when someone finds a bug, and Mark takes all bugs and suggestions seriously, and we do not have to wait a half year!
  22. We discussed this before and according to Mark, it was not that easy Personally, I have an excel file where I keep track of 7 countries that interest me so I can see the trends. Thank you for your suggestion
  23. I sent this to Mark, and if he agrees it will be on his long list of what to do I think Superbowl sounds great, but would a new years party in every country not slow the game down a lot?
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