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Everything posted by Monky2405

  1. Ok, got it! So i reinstall the game and then I put this exe in the folder by replacing the standard one?
  2. When I click on the download link I get a 404 there was an error
  3. I didn't have any of this! Anyway, I am already trying to reinstall the game deleting all the folders. I'll do the exact same thing I did this morning and I'll report it to you
  4. Hi @Mark, this is happening again with the latest version, attacching the saves. the artist name is Holly Cooper, auditioned. You can see her charting at #61 in US singles SavedGame.db SavedGame.r2s Temp.db
  5. About this @Mark, I also noticed that once you earn money you basically have all you need to get very good stats number so, yes, it gets every easy to get a hit! Having less chance to produce great tracks would be perfect already, and having a bit of "random"/"chance" of failure would be good to test! Like, maybe helping a chart run with peformances and stuff. It usually happens that a single debuts at its peak and it's mostly a descending phase right after, the outer way around could also be more challenging! Also, I don't look at reputation that much..but maybe it's more easy to earn than to lose it
  6. Hi @Mark, I started a new game with the latest version. I suppose that the first single I released with my auditined artist is ready to go off sale (this is just me assuming looking at the timing) but instead of going off sale it keeps duplicating on the singles list, it gets a new "copy" each week I sim. Sending you the save: SavedGame.db SavedGame.r2s Temp.db
  7. There you go @Mark. Numbers are actually good for their stats I think, it's more like..there's not enough competition? SavedGame.r2s Temp.db SavedGame.db
  8. It depends, they go from 49 in commercial to 80ish! One of them is Beyoncé, but as a Commercial rating about 60! The fact is the the lower part of the chart is filled with very old albums (like 40 weeks old) charting with less than 200 copies. I'm gonna try to move on in order to allow the game to arrange more releases and see what happens!
  9. Hi @Mark, in order to avoid to open another thread about this I'll use this one. Playing with the and I am almost a year in-game. Album sales seems very low, for example...the #1 album in the US is selling 16k barely with streaming. Other regions seems to have a little bit "better" numbers, but still low!
  10. Hi Mark, the issue seems to be fixed. I mean, I started a new game with no artists with the realartists database, choose the very large database option, auditioned an artist and when I re-opened the game it was all ok. My artist was still there. I did what you suggested last time, I unistalled the game before getting the lastest patch. To answer your question about the issue I had: Are retirements turned on? Yes! What databse size did you select? Large Any custom database? Just rhe RealArtists one without any change Did you select a custom artist or start off with artist? Once I started with not artist, another time I picked one from the database What did you last do before losing the artist? Honestly, I can't remember, jus saved the game and closed it. When I reloaded the save the auditioned artists disappeared Were they auditioned? Yes, they were! Once disappeared they were not on the music world anymore, but they were still charting. Artists on my roaster already on the database (such as Bebe Rexha etc.) did not disappear. As I already said, now with this new version this did not happen anymore.
  11. Ok @Mark I just unistalled, deleted the folder and installed the new versionof the game. I'll let you know. Can I also take advantage od this post to ask what is the difference if I select the "turn on marketing for releases" at the start of the new game? I always wanted to ask but never did..and I probably missed the intel about it!
  12. Bus is it just me? I mean, could this be related to something I do?
  13. After a week I also got the email saying that her album production was complete and needed approval, in the mail there was not her name but just a blank space
  14. Hi @Mark, this issue occured again, but this time around it only affected my auditioned artist Tina Snow. She is not on my roaster (or in the game at all, but you can see her single charting #24 in the US singles charts. The other artists on my label, all real artists, are still there. SavedGame.db SavedGame.r2s Temp.db
  15. Hi Mark, playing to the latest patch since this morning. Kesha just released her album, the first single "Freak Me Out" is out of the Top 100 in the US if you check by the single page, yet on the chart is showing at #37 as an album track! SavedGame.db SavedGame.r2s Temp.db
  16. Yes, an album and a couple of singles, The album was called "Soulmate" No, not at all. Just started a game with a label I created from 0 while starting, and signed Kelis as she was unsingned
  17. One was Kelis, the other one was an auditioned and right now I can't remember the name!
  18. This happened again with this save aswell: SavedGame.db SavedGame.r2s Temp.db
  19. No custom database, just the real artist one. It was auditioned artist, called SoShy
  20. There you go Mark, please keep in mind this is not the save I was talking about last night, but a new one I had to make after the last one got "deleted" when I clicked on the "restore last back" button. The error occurred again. I'd like to take advantage to this post to say that this game started in 2021 but the first eurovision in game was dated 2013 and that one I tried to pick one artist from the database the list showed wrong ages, something like artists being "-6 years old, for example". SavedGame.db SavedGame.r2s Temp.db
  21. Hi Mark, I know this issue has been reported already, and I'm so sorry to post this again! I started a new game this morning, Now I want go back to it but each time I load it my artists roeaster is empty (even if I see the single charting). IN previous versions a re-load was all the game needed to fix this, but right now it seems lost! Also, on the my artists page I have all the options I can choose in the music world list, and now I am wondering if it was always like that...or if it is just me. lol
  22. Hi Mark, I was playing for almost a whole in-game year and I just noticed how low are the numbers required in most (if not all) of the charts (especially for albums). Like, if you take a look at US albums charts, but also european ones or others..you will see very low sales numbers, sometimes even such as 1 or 17, for example. I'm going to give you my save: SavedGame.db SavedGame.r2s Temp.db
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