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About DoKo

  • Birthday 08/17/1983

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Newbie (1/9)



  1. Even if your artist can produce he/she is not able to produce their own album. They are not in the list. Only if I produce the songs as a single they can be the producer but not with EP/album. When a country wins the Eurovision two times in a row the mail in the Newspage (Homepage) which tells you that the winner is now available as a Talent shows the wrong name. It's always the name of a previous winner. (Happened in two different games). Also the winners song is not available for them.
  2. Had the same problem with a customized artist. Very rarely he went up to 20 energy but the next week it was zero again. But he was perfect in writing and producing, so maybe the whole game world booked him as writer/producer and so his energy level remained almost always at zero ;D
  3. DoKo

    Problemas/ Erros

    I have the same problem with the production coaching. After clicking on the arrange coaching button and the "Are you sure?" dialogue box nothing happen.. All other coaching works fine. Version is
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