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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2021 in all areas

  1. I was making a contract on my game until I realized that I don't know what is "transfer of back catalogue rights". If I mark this option, all the catalogue is going to the artist or the label? I can only think about Taylor Swift reading this. Somebody can help me?
    2 points
  2. Here's a couple small (not at all urgent) things I noticed as I got back into playing today. I am using the normal database slightly modified (more controversies and hiatus reasons). - When your artist is in a relationship, clicking on the name of the person they're in a relationship with does not bring you to their profile even when you click "yes" on the popup. - Changing the distributor changes the cost for singles, but not for albums. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if it's there for a reason. - When looking at an album you've released with autostock on, it still says autostock is disabled. Clicking "enable" does nothing. Autostock is still working, it just says it's disabled. -"Presence" listed twice when choosing a mixer for an album, with two different values for each one. (P.S. if you ever wanted someone to proofread some of the text in the game and editor, let me know. I'd do it for free and can work pretty quickly. I basically write full time at this point.)
    1 point
  3. I believe it means that you will not be able to reissue any albums once the artist leaves the label.
    1 point
  4. Game: 1. In the new UI, it should have more of an office feel, the home screen would be social media and actions from other labels, and then a ''My Office'' tab which would have most of the relevant actions the player can take. It'd be nice to have all artist and bands displayed in one tab and filters between talent depending on what they're currently doing like, ''Idle'', ''Recording'', and ''Touring'' so we don't have to keep going through all of them individually to see what they're doing. 2. Still in the ''My Office'' tab, I would love for there to be a side panel that displays the upcoming and latest releases by artists, this is very important for players that sign a lot of artist but only manually manage a few of them, it's get hard to keep track of what the AI is doing. 3. One simple screen to assign the AI to automatically manage talent instead of having to go through them individually. 4. Another tab in ''My Office'' that displays artists whose contract is about to expire, artists who are unhappy with the label, etc. 5. ''Pending Decisions'', a tab which will have just about every single possible decision that we the CEO needs to make. This could automatically pop up after every weekly sim or it could be somewhere in ''My Office''. 6. When booking a tour, the player can have the option to hire a live band, use the track, or prerecorded live instruments. 7. Random events that can force the player to have to cancel tour dates... or even the entire tour. Database/Editor 1. Labels can have logos 2. Award Shows - Nominations being announced weeks in advance from the award show. - Awards have a limit to how many people can be nominated for them, they can have reputations. - This one comes straight from MWE: Criteria's for how artists wins awards such as Popularity, Sales, Quality, Creativity, Mainstream, Urban, Ability, Live, and Sex Appeal. I really like the criteria element because it can make the game more realistic and reflect award shows in a more realistic tone to reflect how they pick award winners, For example, iHeart Radio Music Awards mainly pick winners based on their popularity rather than sales and the quality of the song/album. And for awards like ''Artist of the Year'', are usually determined by the Popularity, Sex Appeal, and Mainstream of the artist. 3. Festivals/New way to schedule them and award shows - Can have up to 40 acts - Should have a region based location such as Mid West, so that the AI doesn't pick venues outside specific areas. - Can have more than two dates - Also from MWE, the way the game is set up over there, it looks for months and weeks instead of a specific date like R2S. This allows it to have more of an organic feeling. In the screenshot, where the dates are it tells the game to host Coachella in April on 6 dates that fall on the weekend, and allows it to change to a venue that's on the west region of America. Coachella itself has a 92 reputation, but in order for them to invite an artist, that artist needs to have at least a reputation of 15 before they're invited to perform. k i'll update this post/thread as my brain thinks of other things soon
    1 point
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