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Please, please fix tours


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Touring is such a big thing in the game and I hope this is on the top of the list.  I have a post talking about I don't think touring is effecting sales on current albums or singles, but other factors in touring don't seem to be working, or just aren't working at all.


1)  What is the reason for opening acts?  The 2 artists or bands don't seem to do anything nor do they get any benefits.  I just came off a very big tour, yet the two opening acts got no noticeable increase in sales and neither got any money from the tour.  Opening acts should get something, even if its tour merchandise money.


2)  Tour performance, it doesn't seem to be right.  I have Swift, 92 live, 100 tour practice and she had around 100% energy and yet her highest tour performance was 61/100.  I had the 2 opening acts that had good reputation in the region the tour was running, they both have high live ratings and I made them 100 in tour practice.  Like I said, this should be looked at, if you get good reputation opening acts, I think this should effect something.  Also, if your opening acts have a good live rating and they have a high tour practice, then this should effect tour performance I would think.


3)  Headline act tour income.  I just had a tour with Swift, the main tour stats are this: Profit/Loss: $124,139,250, Artist Income: $116,295,555 and Label Income: $11,293,695, Merchandiser Artist Cut: 537,880

I see my label got the 11 mil, but Swift: Tour Ticketing: $0, Tour Merchandise: $0


I just had this big tour and none of the opening acts got anything, no benefits at all and Swift didn't make a dime.

Doing some more looking, I noticed my band just finished a tour and they got all their money.  So to me, it looks like a solo artist thing.


I hope you can look into this and get this fixed.

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Just some added information.


The above numbers were from my artist Taylor Swift.  She was an original signed artist by my label, I set this tour up.

I bought out a label and got Rihanna, who already had a tour scheduled.  She finished her tour, which the AI had set up, when it was finished, my label got no money from her tour, but her tour ticketing shows $123, 093,216.  So this artist, who had a tour set by the AI got all her tour money.


So I'm not sure.  It seems like money in the game is hit or miss.  Bands are not getting their soundtrack money, but they got the tour money.  Solo artist that I sign and set up tours are not getting their money, but this AI set up tour paid out the artist money.

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